Asset Publisher
Thu,27 Mar 2025
CMA AnnouncementList of companies and intines that are unlicensed to engage in securities activities in the State Kuwait
List of Companies and Entities not Licensed by the CMA to Practice Securities Activities
Launching this page is a continuation of the awareness and supervisory role played by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) in raising awareness of the public dealing in securities activities, regarding the benefits and risks of investing in such activities. This includes providing data and information related to sites not licensed to practice regulated securities activities in the State of Kuwait, as well as protecting persons dealing in securities activities, and ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations related to these activities.
The page provides a list of companies and entities not licensed by the CMA to practice securities activities. It is periodically updated, and the investor must refer to it before making his investment decision and investing his money with others. Investors are also required to be cautious and constantly check the licenses of companies, since the list does not include all non-licensed companies and entities. The CMA takes all legal measures against these entities, in implementation of the provisions of Article (126) of Law No. 7 of 2010 Regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activity and its amendments.
It shall be noted that whoever is mentioned in the list may contact the CMA and pledge not to repeat the violating act, so the CMA may consider removing its name from the list.
List of Entities International suggestions and recommendation
Lists of Licensed and Unlicensed Entities in Gulf Authorities
In this section
- Suggestions
- Publications
- National Project
- Events
- List Of Licensed Companies
- External Audit Offices
- List Of Registered Auditors
- Local and Gulf Unlicensed Entities
- Persons Restricted from Practicing Securities Activities or Registered Positions and Employment Positions
- Workshops
- Facilitating the opening of investment accounts Initiative
- CMA Radio