Title: CMA Circular No. (04) of 2024 “Circular to All Entities and Persons Addressed by Law No. 7 of 2010 Regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activities and its Executive Bylaws, and their amendments” Regarding the Remedy of the Situations of Individuals whose Kuwaiti Citizenship has been Withdrawn
In light of Resolution No. (296 of 2024) issued by the Council of Ministers during meeting No. 11 of 2024 held on 19/03/2024, authorizing the Central System for the Remedy of Situations of Illegal Residents to coordinate with government entities and other relevant agencies to regulate, amend and follow up on the situations of individuals whose Kuwaiti citizenship has been withdrawn, and in reference to CMA Circular No. (03) of 2024 Regarding the Remedy of the Situations of Individuals whose Kuwaiti Citizenship has been Withdrawn on 02/06/2024.
CMA draws the attention of all licensed persons subject to the CMA’s supervision to take the necessary measures towards the individuals whose Kuwaiti citizenship has been withdrawn, whose names and data are shown in the lists attached to this Circular, including their children. They are advised not to consider any authorizations that may have been issued by any of them in their previous capacity and consider them invalid, in accordance with the Amiri Decree and the resolutions of the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Committee for the Investigation of Kuwaiti Nationality regarding the loss or withdrawal of Kuwaiti citizenship.
The confidentiality of the attached data must be maintained, used only for the purposes specified in this Circular, and should not be communicated beyond the scope of this circular.
Prof. Ahmad Al-Melhem
Chairman of CMA Board of Commissioners - Managing Director
Issued on: 02/06/2024.

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