Title: CMA Circular No. (03) of 2024 Regarding the Remedy of the Situations of Individuals whose Kuwaiti Citizenship has been Withdrawn
Based on the communication received from the Central System for the Remedy of Situations of Illegal Residents, where the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 296 of 2024, issued during meeting No. 11 of 2024 held on 19/03/2024 was forwarded to the CMA. This letter authorized the Central System for the Remedy of Situations of Illegal Residents to collaborate with government entities and other relevant agencies to regulate, amend and follow up on the situations of individuals whose Kuwaiti citizenship has been withdrawn. The Central System is also required to submit a report to the Council of Ministers every three months clarifying all the measures taken in this regard.
At the request of the Central System for the Remedy of Situations of Illegal Residents in the aforementioned letter.
All licensed persons subject to the CMA’s supervision shall abide by the resolutions and circulars issued by the Council of Ministers and The Central System, with regard to dealing with individuals whose Kuwaiti citizenship has been withdrawn, and not to allow any transactions related to them to be completed except with the card issued for this category by the Central System for the Remedy of Situations of Illegal Residents, as included in the attached form.
Prof. Ahmad Al-Melhem
Chairman of CMA Board of Commissioners - Managing Director
Issued on: 02/06/2024.
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