Title: The Capital Markets Authority Announces Filing a Report with the Prosecutor General Regarding the Occurrence of Crime
The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) announces filing a report with the Prosecutor General on 20/03/2024 regarding the occurrence of the crime stipulated in Articles No. (119,150) of Law No. 7 of 2010 Regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activities, the crime stipulated in Item (6) of Article (21) of Law No. 3 of 2006 Regarding Press and Publications, the crime stipulated in Article (6) of Law No. 63 of 2015 Regarding Combating Cybercrimes, and the crime stipulated in article (18) of Law No. (8) of 2016 regarding regulating the electronic media. On 25/12/2023, the first defendant (a natural person) through his account on the WhatsApp application, and the second defendant (a licensed person by the CMA), disclosed confidential information that is not available to the public by publishing a scanned copy of a correspondence issued by the CMA addressed to the second defendant through the CMA’s clients portal for the companies subject to its supervision, including the CMA’s official logo.
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