Title: Warning Announcement Regarding Dealing with Sword Capital for Financial Brokerage Company
In adherence to the provisions of Law No. 7 of 2010 Regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activities and its Executive Bylaws and amendments thereto, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) warns the public investors against dealing in any of the securities activities with Sword Capital for Financial Brokerage Company (K.C.S.C) in any form. This warning follows the issuance of CMA Resolution No. (19) of 2024 Regarding the Cancellation of the Securities Activities License of Sword Capital Financial Brokerage Company and its Removal from the Licensed Persons Register at the CMA.
In this situation, the CMA confirms its commitment to providing protection and enforcing the provisions of Law No. 7 of 2010 Regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activities and its Executive Bylaws and amendments thereto on market participants dealing in securities activities, and carrying out its regulatory and supervisory role.
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