Title: The Capital Markets Authority Announces Filing a Report with the Prosecutor General Regarding the Occurrence of Crime
The Capital Markets Authority announces filing a report with the Prosecutor General on 21/02/2024 regarding the occurrence of the crime stipulated in Article (125) of Law No. 7 of 2010 Regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activities, and amendments thereto, and the crime stipulated in Article (6) of Law No. 63 of 2015 Regarding Combating Cybercrimes pursuant to Item (5) of Article (21) of Law No. 3 of 2006 Regarding Press and Publications. The defendant, through an interview on one of the TV channels, claimed – contrary to the truth – that the CMA has taken an action that it has not actually taken, casting doubt on the integrity of CMA’s procedures. This could jeopardize the CMA’s reputation, and adversely affect its credibility as a regulatory body overseeing securities activities and entrusted with protecting all persons dealing in the Exchange, which could undermine confidence in the country’s economic situation.

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