Title: Resolution No. (20) of 2015 Regarding Renewal of the Securities Activities License of KFH Brokerage Company with the Capital Markets Authority
Having Perused:
• Law No. (7) of 2010 regarding the Establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and Regulating Securities Activities, and its Executive Bylaws; and
• The securities activities license certificate of KFH Brokerage Company No. (AP/2013/0007) dated 14/4/2014; and
• Based on the request of KFH Brokerage Company dated 12/2/2015 to renew the securities activities license with the CMA; and
• Based on CMA Board of Commissioners' Resolution No. (15) of 2015 passed in its meeting No.(7) of 2015 held on 5/3/2015 regarding delegating some of the Supervision Sector's jurisdictions to CMA's Managing Director.
The Following Was Resolved
Article (1)
The securities activities license of KFH Brokerage Company with the CMA for practicing the brokerage activity of brokerage in purchasing and selling securities for the account of others in consideration of a commission (A securities broker registered in the Securities Exchange) is hereby renewed for a year, renewable after paying the prescribed fee.
Article (2)
The concerned bodies shall execute this Resolution, each within its own capacity. This Resolution shall come into force from the date of its issuance.
Dr. Nayef Falah Al-Hajraf
Chairman, CMA Board of Commissioners
Issued on: 2 / 4 / 2015
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