Title: Press Release: Strategic Awareness Cooperation between the Capital Markets Authority and College of Business Studies
Kuwait, December 11, 2022 – In implementation of the directions of the joint strategic awareness cooperation between the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and College of Business Studies, prepared under the auspices of each of: Prof. Ahmad Al-Melhem - Chairman of CMA Board of Commissioners and its Managing Director – and Prof. Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan – Dean of College of Business Studies - on Monday, December 5, 2022, the CMA has executed two awareness workshops in the headquarter of the mentioned College that represented the implementation of the first event of the various awareness programs that will be implemented by the two parties sequentially.
It is worth noting that the aforementioned directions were the result of the discussions of the coordination meeting that was held on October 27 between the representatives of the two parties. The CMA’s representative team was headed by Mr. Khaled Al-Saqer – Awareness Office Director, while Prof. Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan headed the team of College of Business Studies. The meeting set the general frameworks of the mechanisms of the joint awareness cooperation between the two parties in order to serve their shared objectives and achieve the national development objectives.
The first workshop was directed to the educational and administrative members of the College presented by both Mr. Khalid Al-Sahli - team leader of the project of “Market Development Program”- and Mr. Abdulmohsen Al-Abdulrazzaq – the project team secretary- who discussed CMA’s program of developing the capital market system in its various phases, the outputs of each phase and their reflections on he market’s activity, trading, and classification. It also discussed the project’s long-term strategic objectives of developing the capital market and its compliance with the international standards, upgrading its classification, and attracting further external investments.
This workshop witnessed the presence of each of Prof. Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan – Dean of College of Business Studies, Prof. Faisal Al-Hammad -Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fares Al-Hunaiyyan – Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Al-Asfour – Department of Accounting, Ms. Moudhi Al-Ajmi -Department of Management, in addition to other teachers from various majors at the College.
The workshop started with a welcoming speech by Prof. Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan in which he welcomed CMA’s representatives and praised the directions of the joint academic awareness cooperation between the two entities. Then, Mr. Mohammad Al-Ali - Senior Specialist in the Awareness Office at the CMA - made his opening speech, in which he introduced the CMA, its establishment and its objectives, followed by the workshop’s lecturers who discussed its topic.
The second workshop was allocated to the students which, as the previous workshop, started with an opening speech by the Dean of the College in which he welcomed CMA’s representatives and praised the joint awareness cooperation with the CMA. This was followed by Mr. Faisal Al Anzi - Specialist in the Market Surveillance Department at the CMA - who discussed the subject of the workshop through several areas that varied between introducing the tasks of Market Surveillance Department in providing various and updated investment products and instruments, the definition of listing in the capital markets and its types and benefits, comparison between the requirements of listing in the primary and main markets in the exchange, in addition to dividing the listing tasks between the exchange and the CMA.
Mr. Khaled Al-Saqer – Awareness Office Director and the representative of the CMA in the strategic cooperation programs with the College - presented an overview of CMA’s history and the circumstances and law of its establishment, and presented its most prominent future visions that translate its upcoming strategy of the years (2023/2027).
The joint awareness cooperation programs between the CMA and College of Business Studies aiming to exchange experiences and skills relevant to the awareness fields are part of the efforts of the two entities to achieve their strategic objectives on one side, and the contribution of each one of them to perform their role in achieving the government development directions on the other side.
More specifically, it can be said that the such programs affiliate with the vision of College of Business Studies and its objectives relevant to the importance of associating with the local business market in light of the actual needs and available opportunities, and the necessary skills for meeting the requirements of the business market in accordance with the vision of Kuwait 2035.
In turn, the CMA seeks to achieve similar development objectives through its program of enhancing financial inclusion and investment awareness at all the sectors and segments of the society which include the educational sector, of which such programs represent one of its various initiatives for the purpose of enhancing the financial and investment literacy in general, and those related to investment in securities activities and its mechanisms, available investment instruments, and the governing legislations in particular.
Notes to Editors:
The Capital Markets Authority was established pursuant to Law No. 7/2010, approved by the Kuwaiti Parliament in February 2010. Pursuant to the Law, the CMA shall regulate and supervise the securities activities, achieve transparency and fairness, observe listed companies’ execution of Corporate Governance regulations, and protect investors from unfair practices which violate the CMA's Law.
Furthermore, the Law's provisions stipulate the supervision of mergers, acquisitions, and disclosure operations. The CMA also aims to provide awareness programs related to securities activities.
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